If “N/A” was answered to the “Appeal” question above – and the unit has submitted its FY2023 audit report on or after April 1, please submit an explanation of the causes for the delay.
If “Yes” was answered to the “Appeal” question above – and the unit is appealing the notice of noncompliance, please upload a document which includes both of the following components:
1) The status and expected date of submission for each outstanding audit, the steps taken to complete the outstanding audits, and any issues that have impacted timely submission.
2) The basis for appeal:
a. If the unit meets the criteria for the
Guideline for Successful Appeal established by the LGC and indicated in the notice of noncompliance provided to the unit, please state that the unit is appealing the notice based on the Guideline for Successful Appeal.
b. If the unit does not meet the criteria for the
Guideline for Successful Appeal established by the LGC, please include an appeal based on other good cause with evidence to support the basis for the appeal.
If “No” was answered to the “Appeal” question above – and the unit will NOT appeal the notice of noncompliance, please upload a document which includes both of the following components:
1) The status and expected date of submission for each outstanding audit, the steps taken to complete the outstanding audits, and any issues that have impacted timely submission.
2) A statement from the governing board confirming that the unit is NOT appealing the notice of noncompliance and is aware of the LGC’s authority to direct the withholding of a portion of the unit’s sales tax distribution pursuant to G.S. 159-34(g).